Tournament Rules
Reminder- team check-in/registration will be at the fields one hour prior to your first match.
All age groups will be based on the birth year age group.
U7-U10 (2019-2016) age groups will play 7v7, U11 and 12 (2014 and 2015) age groups will play 9v9, all other years will play 11 a side.
FIFA RULES as modified by US Club will apply, and as modified herein.
PROTESTS: No protests will be allowed. The Tournament Director(s) shall settle all disputes.
CREDENTIALS: All US Club teams must provide a team roster, laminated 2025-2026, or 2024-2025 US Club player ID cards, and a medical release form for each player. USYSA and USSSA passes will be accepted as well.
ROSTERS: Teams may add unlimited loan players to their existing roster, but all rosters are limited to a maximum of 14 players for U-10 and younger, and a maximum of 18 players for U-11 and older, including loan players. A player may play on only one (1) team during the entire tournament. U14-U18 teams may have 22 players on the roster but will have to declare which 18 are eligible for each game.
CHECK-IN: Teams will check-in at the fields one hour prior to their first match. Please make sure to have all the necessary paperwork to include: birth documents, player passes, and med release forms. For player passes, we can accept 2025-26 USYSA cards, 2024-25 USYSA cards, USSSA, or US Club soccer passes. However, we cannot accept a mixture of any of them. All passes must be the same.
CONDUCT: All coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, bench, friends, and spectators at all times.
SUSPENDED GAMES: If, in the opinion of game officials, a game must be terminated due to misconduct of players, bench or spectators, the offending team could be suspended from further play and forfeit all points and position previously earned. Additionally, the home league and state association would be contacted as appropriate.
CAUTIONS AND EJECTIONS: A player or coach receiving two yellow cards in a single game is considered the same as having been given a red card. A player given a red card or two yellow cards in one game shall be expelled from that game, shall not be replaced, and shall serve a minimum of a one game suspension at their next game played. A coach expelled from a game shall serve a minimum of a one game suspension at their next game played. For flagrant violations, longer suspensions may be enforced based on mandatory review by the Tournament Director.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Unlimited substitutions are allowed in all age groups including over-times. Teams may substitute on any dead ball situation. However, prior to making a substitution, the team must gain permission from the referee.
HOME TEAMS: The home team appears first on the game schedule. The home team will supply the game ball, subject to referee approval. The home team will be required to switch to an alternate jersey if the referee declares a color conflict and will have the selection of the touch line from which they will play. In the event of restricted space on one or both touch lines, teams may play from the same touch line subject to the discretion of the site coordinator.
FORFEITS AND BYES: Games not played will be classified as Forfeits and Byes. All forfeits will be a 1-0 game, with the winner receiving 8 points. All teams must field a minimum of 7 players for the entire game. A team will forfeit if:
1. They fail to check-in at the mandatory registration.
2. They are the Home Team and fail to have an alternate jersey when required.
3. They fail to report ready to play within 5 minutes of scheduled kick-off time.
If a team forfeits one game, their score for the forfeited game shall be changed to a 1-0 loss.
PLAYING TIMES: Play will be based on halves as specified below.
Quarter and Semi-final games go straight to penalty kicks.
Finals will OT.
U7-10 20 mins.* 20 mins. Finals 25 mins.
U11-12 25 mins.* 25 mins. Finals 30 mins.
U13-14 25 mins.* 30 mins. Finals 30 mins.
U15-16 30 mins.* 30 mins. Finals 30 mins
U17-19 30 mins.* 30 mins. Finals 30 mins
*Running clock no added injury time. Time begins at the scheduled game time whether teams are prepared or not. The second half will begin five minutes after the first half has ended.
All preliminary games shall terminate 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game regardless of the amount of time played in each half up to that point. A game is complete upon completion of one half of play regardless of the circumstances of termination. Results shall be based on the score at termination unless termination was caused by the willful act of one of the participating teams, its coaches, or fans. In such cases, the offending team shall forfeit and may be removed from the tournament.
Preliminary games can end in a tie. Quarter-final and Semi-final games tied at the end of regulation shall immediately proceed to kicks from the mark (Penalty Spot). FINALS, if tied at the end of regulation will proceed to kicks from the mark (Penalty Spot). In Semi-final and final games, injury time may be added at the option of the tournament officials.
HALF-TIME: Half-time will be no more than 5 minutes.
DETERMINING WINNERS: Teams shall be awarded points on the following basis:
Six (6) points for each win.
Three (3) points for each tie.
Zero (0) points for each loss.
One (1) point for each goal scored (max. of 3 points).
One (1) point for each shutout.
Note: A 0-0 tie will be scored as 4 points
In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined as follows:
1. Head-to-Head winner.
2. Best Goal Differential up to 4 goals per game.
3. Least Goals Against
4. Most shut outs.
5. If still tied, kicks from the mark (Penalty Spot) (Penalty spot) will be held 15 minutes prior to the scheduled quarter or semi-final game or as directed by the tournament officials.
If more than two teams are tied, follow the steps to eliminate teams in the above-specified order. Each time a team(s) is eliminated, revert to Step 1 and repeat the process.
9V9 Rules
U11 No heading (2015)
U12 heading allowed (2014)
Keepers are allowed to punt beyond the midfield line
A goal can be scored directly from a kick-off.
All 7V7 games will play with a "Build-Out Line"
Build-Out Line
The build-out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting.
When the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must move behind the build-out line until the ball is put into play.
Once the opposing team is behind the build-out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed).
After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build-out line, and play resumes as normal.
The opposing team must also move behind the build-out line during a goal kick until the ball is put into play.
If a goalkeeper punts or drop-kicks the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense.
If the punt or drop-kick occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred.
The build-out line will also be used to denote where offside offenses can be called Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build-out line.
Players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build-out line and goal line.
Ideally, the goalkeeper will wait to put the ball into play once all opponents are past the build-out line.
However, the goalkeeper can put the ball into play sooner but he or she does so accepting the positioning of the opponents and the consequences of how play resumes.
To support the intent of the development rule, coaches and referees should be mindful of any intentional delays being caused by opponents not retreating in a timely manner or encroaching over the build-out line prior to the ball being put into play.
Coaches are responsible for addressing these types of issues with their players.
Referees can manage the situation with misconduct if deemed appropriate.
Referees should be flexible when enforcing the 6-second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have moved behind the build-out line.
Inclement Weather:
If the referee terminates the match due to weather, field conditions, or misconduct, the Tournament Director will decide the impact of this termination on the tournament standings.
It is recognized and understood upon entering the San Diego Premier Classic that adverse weather is an Act of God. Further, entrance to this tournament requires acceptance of all decisions regarding the use of the facilities (therefore, potentially, the outcome of competition) by the Tournament Director as final without objection, appeal, or compensation whatsoever. There will be no rescheduling of games.
Refund Policy:
You may request a refund up until team acceptances. If the Tournament is canceled due to inclement weather prior to the start of competition, teams will be issued partial refunds as determined by the Tournament Director after a reasonable amount has been deducted for incurred tournament costs. Tournament refunds will not exceed 30% of the entry fee. Once play has begun, if inclement weather forces the cancellation of the tournament then refunds will not exceed 25% of the entry fee.